Exquisite Albums

The definition of heirloom according to many dictionaries is, ‘something of special value handed down from one generation to another’. Your wedding is the beginning of a new chapter in your family history and wedding albums become family heirlooms. I look at my parent’s and my grandparent’s wedding photographs still and each time I look I see something new. I see the smiles and the love, I see the people and the details. There is just something delightful about turning the page and having the physical and emotional contact with the image.
I know, weddings are expensive and an album can just be another expense, but it truly is a worthwhile investment. I use the finest albums from around the world that are of the highest quality. Each album is handmade and crafted, a work of art. They are made to last centuries. There is nothing more satisfying than watching a couple seeing their album for the first time, touching the material and tracing their names on the cover, then opening it and you know in that moment the whole day is flooding back to them. And there it is, forever.

These are a few of my photographs and albums from my family’s weddings, going back to the early 1930s. Lots of the people are no longer with us, that’s when memories become treasures.
The lady in the grey suit, wondering why that’s there? My Mum on her wedding day.
‘I’d rather have too many memories than too few’